Monthly Archives: March 2016

Fierce, Fast, and Brave, and Strong…


…look out, here comes the lion guard!  Happy March everyone! Life has been crazy in our household! I’ve watched so many cartoons and given so many doses of medicine over the last few days, it’s insane!
About 2 weeks ago, Little Man had a cold that he passed to his little brother. When I took them both to the doctor (I had no clue how to deal with a cold in a 2 month old), I found out that Little Man had a double ear infection…again. This is his fifth ear infection in a year so we were referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist. We went there and came to the conclusion that he needs tubes since he has fluid sitting in both ears. Little Man will have surgery later in the month to put the tubes in and I’m super nervous about it.
Little Man’s birthday party was much smaller than I estimated again. He had fun so that’s all I really care about.
My attempt at bullet journaling had fallen by the way side, but I’m going to try to pick it up again and hopefully make a habit out of it.
Friday night, Little Man woke up in the middle of the night (like 11 pm) crying and holding his stomach. So we brought him into our bed and tried to comfort him. He didn’t get comfortable enough to sleep until after 2 am. Yesterday, he was miserably tired and today he slept until 9:30, which is super late for him.
Squeaky is progressing greatly! He smiles a lot, stays awake most of the day, and coos. He absolutely loves his big brother and cries when his big brother does. It’s the cutest.